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Catalogue / Routledge-Cavendish

Cases and Materials On Criminal Law

Cases and Materials On Criminal Law -- ©2008

Mike Molan
  • List Price : £  35.00
Community Futures, Legal Architecture: Foundations for Indigenous Peoples in the Global Mining Boom

Community Futures, Legal Architecture: ... -- ©2012

Marcia Langton
  • List Price : £  75.00
Competing for Knowledge

Competing for Knowledge -- ©2007

Robert Huggins
  • List Price : £  85.00
Critical Company Law

Critical Company Law -- ©2007

LE Talbot
  • List Price : £  33.00
Critical Legal Theory (4 Vol set)

Critical Legal Theory (4 Vol set) -- ©2011

Costas Douzinas
  • List Price : £  650.00
Critical Legal Theory Critical Concepts in Law

Critical Legal Theory Critical Concepts in Law -- ©2012

Costas Douzinas
  • List Price : £  685.00
Human Rights in Asia

Human Rights in Asia -- ©2006

Randall Peerenboom
  • List Price : £  42.00
International Criminal Law

International Criminal Law -- ©2006

Llias Bantekas
  • List Price : £  38.00
International Law (6 Vol. set)

International Law (6 Vol. set) -- ©2011

Joseph Weiler
  • List Price : £ 1025.00
Law and The City

Law and The City -- ©2007

Andreas Philippopoulos
  • List Price : £  31.00
Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice -- ©2009

Carolyn Hoyle
  • List Price : £  650.00
Selling Rights 5th/Ed

Selling Rights 5th/Ed -- ©2006

Lynette Owen
  • List Price : £  31.00
Shakespeare and Feminist Performance

Shakespeare and Feminist Performance -- ©2001

Sarah Werner
  • List Price : £  65.00
Text, Cases and Materials on Public Law and Human Rights

Text, Cases and Materials on Public Law and Human ... -- ©2010

Helen Fenwick
  • List Price : £  38.00
The Anti-Corn Law League

The Anti-Corn Law League -- ©2005

Norman McCord
  • List Price : £  115.00
The Law and Economics of Intellectual Property in the Digital Age The Limits of Analysis

The Law and Economics of Intellectual Property in ... -- ©2013

Niva Elkin-Koren
  • List Price : £  80.00
War, Conflict and Human Rights: Theory and Practice

War, Conflict and Human Rights: Theory and ... -- ©2009

Chandra Lekha Sriram
  • List Price : £  24.00
War, peace and International Relations

War, peace and International Relations -- ©2007

Colin Gray
  • List Price : £  25.00
Why Sports Morally Matter

Why Sports Morally Matter -- ©2006

William Morgan
  • List Price : £  26.00