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Catalogue / Cengage Learning,U.S.A.

Intellectual Property :The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights,Patents and Trade Secrets

Intellectual Property :The Law of Trademarks, ... -- ©2000

Deborah E. Bouchoux
  • List Price : US$  65.00
Introduction to the Contracts

Introduction to the Contracts -- ©2000

Martin A. Frey
  • List Price : US$  87.00
Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement 3rd/Ed

Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement ... -- ©2000

Wayne W. Bennett
  • List Price : US$  88.00
Money, Banking, & Financial Markets

Money, Banking, & Financial Markets -- ©2000

Roger Leroy
  • List Price : US$  91.00
Philosophy of Law

Philosophy of Law -- ©2000

Joel Feinberg
  • List Price : US$  76.00