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Catalogue / Hart Publishing Limited U.K.

A New Land Law

A New Land Law -- ©1999

Peter Sparkes
  • List Price : £  61.00
Basic Documents on International Investment Protection

Basic Documents on International Investment ... -- ©2019

Martins Paparinskis
  • List Price : £  65.00
Collisions in the Digital Paradigm Law and Rule Making in the Internet Age

Collisions in the Digital Paradigm Law and Rule ... -- ©2017

David John Harvey
  • List Price : £  75.00
Company Investigations and Public Law

Company Investigations and Public Law -- ©1999

Andrew Lidbetter
  • List Price : £  119.00
Contract Law 15Ed.

Contract Law 15Ed. -- ©2023

Ewan McKendrick
  • List Price : £  36.00
Criminal Law 13Ed.

Criminal Law 13Ed. -- ©2023

Jonathan Herring
  • List Price : £  34.00
Dispute Resolution in Transnational Securities Transactions

Dispute Resolution in Transnational Securities ... -- ©2017

Tiago Andreotti
  • List Price : £  75.00
Education, Law and Diversity Schooling for One and All?

Education, Law and Diversity Schooling for One ... -- ©2019

Neville Harris
  • List Price : £  85.00
In-House Lawyers' Ethics Institutional Logics, Legal Risk and the Tournament of Influence

In-House Lawyers' Ethics Institutional Logics, ... -- ©2018

Richard Moorhead
  • List Price : £  55.00
Judicial Remedies in the Conflict of Laws

Judicial Remedies in the Conflict of Laws -- ©2001

Olusoji Elias
  • List Price : £  60.00
Landmark Cases in Intellectual Property Law

Landmark Cases in Intellectual Property Law -- ©2017

Jose Bellido
  • List Price : £  80.00
Market Manipulation and Insider Trading

Market Manipulation and Insider Trading -- ©2019

Ester Herlin Karnell
  • List Price : £  60.00
Personal Liability and Disqualification of Company Directors

Personal Liability and Disqualification of ... -- ©1999

Stepne Griffin
  • List Price : £  98.00
Private Law and Power

Private Law and Power -- ©2017

Kit Barker
  • List Price : £  75.00
Private Law in the 21st Century

Private Law in the 21st Century -- ©2017

Kit Barker
  • List Price : £  110.00
Sears List of Subject Headings 19th Edition

Sears List of Subject Headings 19th Edition -- ©2007

Joseph Miller
  • List Price : US$  165.00
Stretching the Constitution The Brexit Shock in Historic Perspective

Stretching the Constitution The Brexit Shock in ... -- ©2019

Andrew Blick
  • List Price : £  65.00
The Limits of Asset Confiscation On the Legitimacy of Extended Appropriation of Criminal Proceeds

The Limits of Asset Confiscation On the ... -- ©2017

Johan Boucht
  • List Price : £  80.00
The Making of Constitutional Democracy

The Making of Constitutional Democracy -- ©2022

Paolo Sandro
  • List Price : £  85.00