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Catalogue / Wageningen Academic Publishers

Ammonia Emissions in Agriculture

Ammonia Emissions in Agriculture -- ©2007

Gert Jan Monteny
  • List Price : €  59.00
Applied Equine Nutrition and Training

Applied Equine Nutrition and Training -- ©2007

Arno Lindner
  • List Price : €  45.00
Biofuels Implications for the Feed Industry

Biofuels Implications for the Feed Industry -- ©2007

Jannes Doppenberg
  • List Price : €  33.00
Dietary Fibre: Components and Functions

Dietary Fibre: Components and Functions -- ©2007

Hannu Salovaara
  • List Price : €  85.00
Dietary fibre: new frontiers for food and health

Dietary fibre: new frontiers for food and health -- ©2010

Julie Jones
  • List Price : €  105.00
Dynamics in animal nutrition

Dynamics in animal nutrition -- ©2010

Jannes Doppenberg
  • List Price : €  46.00
Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition

Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition -- ©2007

I. Ortigues Marty
  • List Price : €  98.00
European Food Law Handbook

European Food Law Handbook -- ©2008

Bernd van der Meulen
  • List Price : €  54.00
Food Product Design

Food Product Design -- ©2007

Anita R. Linnemann
  • List Price : €  36.00
Fundamentals of mold growth in indoor environments and strategies for healthy living

Fundamentals of mold growth in indoor ... -- ©2011

C. G. Adan Olaf
  • List Price : €  97.00
Gaining thew edge in Pork and Poultry Production: Enhancing Effciency, Quality and Safety

Gaining thew edge in Pork and Poultry Production: ... -- ©2007

J. A. Taylor Pickard
  • List Price : €  85.00
Horse Behaviour and Welfare

Horse Behaviour and Welfare -- ©2007

M. Hausberger
  • List Price : £  47.00
New perspectives on economic development A human agency approach

New perspectives on economic development A human ... -- ©2011

Fu Lai Tony Yu
  • List Price : €  70.00
On from Monitoring of Pig Welfare

On from Monitoring of Pig Welfare -- ©2007

A. Velarde
  • List Price : €  49.00
Potato Production and Innovative Technologies

Potato Production and Innovative Technologies -- ©2007

Anton j. Haverkort
  • List Price : €  65.00
Rapid Methods

Rapid Methods -- ©2007

A. Van Amerongen
  • List Price : €  90.00
Transformation and sustainability in agriculture Connecting practice with social theory

Transformation and sustainability in agriculture ... -- ©2011

Sietze Vellema
  • List Price : €  47.00
Utilisation and Conservation of from Amnimal Genetic Resources

Utilisation and Conservation of from Amnimal ... -- ©2007

Kor Oldenbroek
  • List Price : €  36.00