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Science & Technology / Life Science

Advances in Applied Microbiology Vol.89

Advances in Applied Microbiology Vol.89 -- ©2014

Sariaslani Gadd
  • List Price : US$  142.00
Biochemical Ecotoxicology Principles and Methods

Biochemical Ecotoxicology Principles and Methods -- ©2014

Francois Gagne
  • List Price : US$  100.00
Biotechnology for Beginners with a foreword

Biotechnology for Beginners with a foreword -- ©2008

Reinhard Renneberg
  • List Price : US$  49.00
Electronic Noses and Tongues in Food Science

Electronic Noses and Tongues in Food Science -- ©2016

Maria Luz Rodriguez Mendez
  • List Price : US$  150.00
Food Security in the Developing World

Food Security in the Developing World -- ©2016

John M. Ashley
  • List Price : US$  80.00
Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals, 2nd Edition

Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals, ... -- ©2014

Temple Grandin
  • List Price : US$  100.00
Handbook of Cell Signaling, 2nd Edition (2 Vol Set)

Handbook of Cell Signaling, 2nd Edition (2 Vol ... -- ©2009

Ralph A. Bradshaw
  • List Price : US$  515.00
Handbook of Neuro-Oncology Neuroimaging 2Ed.

Handbook of Neuro-Oncology Neuroimaging 2Ed. -- ©2016

Herbert B. Newton
  • List Price : US$  210.00
Handbook of Systems Biology: Concepts and Insights

Handbook of Systems Biology: Concepts and ... -- ©2013

Marian Walhout
  • List Price : US$  125.00
Medical and Health Genomics

Medical and Health Genomics -- ©2016

Dhavendra Kumar
  • List Price : US$  140.00
Medicinal Plants Chemistry, Biology and Omics

Medicinal Plants Chemistry, Biology and Omics -- ©2015

Hao Da
  • List Price : US$  210.00
Neuroimaging Personality, Social Cognition, and Character

Neuroimaging Personality, Social Cognition, and ... -- ©2016

John R. Adsher
  • List Price : US$  125.00
Plant Transcription Factors Evolutionary, Structural and Functional Aspects

Plant Transcription Factors Evolutionary, ... -- ©2015

Daniel H. Gonzalez
  • List Price : US$  120.00
Polymers and Nanomaterials for Gene Therapy

Polymers and Nanomaterials for Gene Therapy -- ©2016

Ravin Narain
  • List Price : US$  210.00
Practical and Applied Hydrogeology

Practical and Applied Hydrogeology -- ©2014

Zekai Sen
  • List Price : US$  130.00
Sea plants

Sea plants -- ©2014

Nathalie Bourgougnon
  • List Price : US$  214.00
Stemcells Scientific Facts and Fiction 2ed.

Stemcells Scientific Facts and Fiction 2ed. -- ©2014

Christine Mummery
  • List Price : US$  71.00
Synthetic Biology Tools and Applications

Synthetic Biology Tools and Applications -- ©2013

Huimin Zhao
  • List Price : US$  150.00
Viroids and Satellites

Viroids and Satellites -- ©2017

Ahmed Hadidi
  • List Price : US$  140.00
Women and Positive Aging An International Perspective

Women and Positive Aging An International ... -- ©2016

Lisa Hollis Sawyer
  • List Price : US$  60.00