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Science & Technology / European Union

A Guide to European Union Law

A Guide to European Union Law -- ©2010

Dr. P. S. R. F Mathijsen
  • List Price : £  32.00
Design Law: European Union and United States of America

Design Law: European Union and United States of ... -- ©2010

Uma Suthersanen
  • List Price : £  195.00
Fair Trading in EC Law Information and Consumer Choice in the Internal Market

Fair Trading in EC Law Information and Consumer ... -- ©2005

Malek Radeideh
  • List Price : £  72.00
National Parliaments and European Democracy

National Parliaments and European Democracy -- ©2007

Olaf Tans
  • List Price : €  65.00
The Constitutional Dilemma of the European Union

The Constitutional Dilemma of the European Union -- ©2009

Joakim Nergelius
  • List Price : €  48.00
The Eclipse of the Legality Principle in the European Union

The Eclipse of the Legality Principle in the ... -- ©2010

Sacha Prechal
  • List Price : €  105.00
The European Enterprise : Historical Investigation into a Future Species

The European Enterprise : Historical ... -- ©2008

Harm G. Schroter
  • List Price : €  90.00