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Science & Technology / Literature & Language / Gulf Studies

Conflict Resolution and Creation of a Security Community in the Gulf Region

Conflict Resolution and Creation of a Security ... -- ©2019

Tim Niblock
  • List Price : £  80.00
Gulfization of the Arab World

Gulfization of the Arab World -- ©2019

Marc Owen Jones
  • List Price : £  70.00
Science and Technology Development in the Gulf States: Economic Diversification Through Regional Collaboration

Science and Technology Development in the Gulf ... -- ©2019

Laura Diaz Anadon
  • List Price : £  75.00
The Future of Labour Market Reform in the Gulf Region: Towards a Multi-Disciplinary, Evidence-Based and Practical Understanding

The Future of Labour Market Reform in the Gulf ... -- ©2019

David B. Jones
  • List Price : £  85.00