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Law / Corporate Law

Bowstead and Reynolds on Agency 22Ed.

Bowstead and Reynolds on Agency 22Ed. -- ©2021

Peter G Watts
  • List Price : £  449.00
Company Law 10Ed.

Company Law 10Ed. -- ©2018

Alan Dignam
  • List Price : £  34.00
Company Law 5Ed.

Company Law 5Ed. -- ©2018

Brenda Hannigan
  • List Price : £  37.00
Company Law 9Ed.

Company Law 9Ed. -- ©2016

Alan Dignam
  • List Price : £  33.00
Gower & Davies: Principles of Modern Company Law 10Ed.

Gower & Davies: Principles of Modern Company Law ... -- ©2016

Paul L. Davies
  • List Price : £  37.00
Hollington on Shareholders' Rights 8th Ed.

Hollington on Shareholders' Rights 8th Ed. -- ©2016

Robin Hollington
  • List Price : £  275.00
Hollington on Shareholders' Rights 9Ed.

Hollington on Shareholders' Rights 9Ed. -- ©2020

Robin Hollington
  • List Price : £  295.00
Kerr & Hunter on Receivership and Administration 21Ed.

Kerr & Hunter on Receivership and Administration ... -- ©2020

Professor Pete Walton
  • List Price : £  315.00
Lightman & Moss on the Law of Administrators and Receivers of Companies 6Ed.

Lightman & Moss on the Law of Administrators and ... -- ©2017

Gavin Lightman
  • List Price : £  295.00
Lindley & Banks on Partnership 20Ed.

Lindley & Banks on Partnership 20Ed. -- ©2017

RoderickI Anson Banks
  • List Price : £  380.00
Mayson, French & Ryan on Company Law 33Ed.

Mayson, French & Ryan on Company Law 33Ed. -- ©2016

Derek French
  • List Price : £  37.00
Palmer's Limited Liability Partnership Law 3Ed.

Palmer's Limited Liability Partnership Law 3Ed. -- ©2017

Geoffrey Morse
  • List Price : £  295.00
Sealy & Worthington's Text, Cases, and Materials in Company Law 11Ed.

Sealy & Worthington's Text, Cases, and Materials ... -- ©2016

Sarah Worthington
  • List Price : £  37.00
Shackleton on the Law and Practice of Meetings 14Ed.

Shackleton on the Law and Practice of Meetings ... -- ©2017

Madeleine Cordes
  • List Price : £  215.00
Shackleton on the Law and Practice of Meetings 15Ed.

Shackleton on the Law and Practice of Meetings ... -- ©2020

Madeleine Cordes
  • List Price : £  235.00
Shareholders' Agreements 7Ed.

Shareholders' Agreements 7Ed. -- ©2017

Sean FitzGerald
  • List Price : £  225.00
Shareholders' Agreements 8Ed.

Shareholders' Agreements 8Ed. -- ©2020

Sean FirzGerald
  • List Price : £  249.00
The Law of Insolvency 5Ed.

The Law of Insolvency 5Ed. -- ©2017

Ian F Fletcher
  • List Price : £  295.00
The Law of Reinsurance 3Ed.

The Law of Reinsurance 3Ed. -- ©2021

Colin Edelman
  • List Price : £  170.00